
8 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Engagement

By Sprocket Social October 2, 2017

"Why isn't anyone liking my posts?"

It's discouraging to spend time crafting posts that don't get any interaction from your followers. Try these 8 tips to increase your social media engagement:

  1. Follow the 80-20 rule. Use only 20% of your posts to promote your business with a persuasive call-to-action. The additional 80% should be content that your readers find interesting and will inform, educate, or entertain.
  2. Organize a contest or giveaway. Everyone loves a freebie, and asking users to like, comment or share a giveaway will increase your reach and gain new followers. Just be sure to check the rules and regulations for each social media platform first.
  3. Ask questions. Want your followers to engage? Just ask them! An actionable post will get a stronger reach. Ask an interesting question, ask them to tag a friend, ask their opinion on a new product or service -- just ask!
  4. Use hashtags. Incorporate trending and regional hashtags for your posts on Twitter and Instagram. Twitter recommends one to two hashtags per tweet, while Instagram sees the highest interaction on posts with 11+ hashtags. 
  5. Join the conversation. Engagement is a two-way street. When you receive a comment or message on a post, take the time to respond. This is your opportunity to connect with followers.
  6. Engage influencers. Partnering with an influencer that has a large following in your target market is an effective way to share your brand with new customers. 
  7. Go live. Try broadcasting events, how-to's, product news, business milestones, or even your own show. Live video tends to get higher reach than basic posts, and it's a great way to get people to pay attention to your brand.
  8. Be visual. When scrolling through a newsfeed, posts with images get more attention than those with just text. Check out these options for copyright free images.